Background Information

The Panel considers the supporting information and substantiating documentation to be an integral part of its report that is necessary for a proper understanding of its findings.

There are multiple parties involved in various investigations of Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) failure. The Panel must ensure that the conduct of the inquiry does not in any way impede or conflict with any other ongoing investigation or proceeding related to this matter. Specifically, the Panel’s review must not in any way impede investigations conducted by Mines Inspectors, Conservations Officers or other regulatory agencies and any related proceedings. Further, all disclosures of the Panel must be compliant with the privacy protection provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines and Ministry of Environment, Conservation Officer Services, have directed the Panel to withhold some of the documents, and redact portions of other documents, so that the Panel’s inquiry does not compromise any other investigations and to ensure it is in compliance with the privacy protection provisions of FIPPA (see Appendix A). The redaction of personal information was completed by Shared Services BC. As a result, these documents, which may have been cited in this report, are not available at this time. See Appendix B for more information on the provision of Supporting Information.

Note: Certain large files linked below may take up to several minutes to download. Certain files may also require specialized software for viewing.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 847
View: 25 | 50 | 100
Document ID Title Type Publishedsort descending
AMEC00121 2011 Stage 7 Expansion Stability Analyses TSF (2) (217.12 KB) Report
AMEC00310 Perimeter Ebankment Section J (3+290) (60.87 KB) Drawings
KP00033 VW Calibration Sheets (3.48 MB) Piezo Calibration Records
AMEC00122 2011 Stage 7 Expansion Stability Analyses TSF (3) (217.08 KB) Report
AMEC00311 South Embankment Section F (0+720) (58.48 KB) Drawings
AMEC00247 Index Vol 1 of 2 (48.62 KB) Binder- Index Vol 1 Of 2
AMEC00258 Index Vol 2 of 2 (38.93 KB) Binder- Index Vol 2 Of 2
KP00034 VW Instrument Installation Records (22.15 KB) Spreadsheet
MP10014 QA (Offsite Sampling Tracking Table) (24.11 KB) Data
AMEC00165 Hydrogeology Assessment and Data Review (2) (319.91 KB) Report
KP00035 VW Piezo Data (1.18 MB) Spreadsheet
AMEC00157 TSF 2012 Stage 8a (965m) Expansion Stability Analyses (570.64 KB) Report
AMEC00125 2011 Stage 7 Expansion Stability Analyses TSF with appendices (496.33 KB) Report
AMEC00250 Main Recommendations (26.8 KB) Binder
AMEC00220 Document has been removed Memo
AMEC00115 2011 Stage 7 Expansion Stability Analyses TSF Draft with Comments (258.83 KB) Report
AMEC00075 Foundation Drain (38.17 KB) Outlook Email
KP00037 Drain Flow Data (140.98 KB) Spreadsheet
AMEC00094 Efficiency of Tailings Sand Operations (71.02 KB) Report
AMEC00221 Document has been removed Memo
AMEC00251 Monthly Composite Final Tailing Size Distribution (71.2 KB) Binder- Pdf Of Spreadsheet
AMEC00116 2011 Stage 7 Expansion Stability Analyses TSF (212.26 KB) Report
AMEC00076 Toe Drain (40.49 KB) Outlook Email
KP00038 Inclinometer Displacement Record (2.62 MB) Spreadsheet
AMEC00305 Top of Casing Sketch (287.26 KB) Sketch
